Play Therapy
We offer Child Centred Play Therapy to assist children between the ages of 4-12 with social, emotional, behavioural and relational difficulties.
What is Child Centred Play Therapy (CCPT)?
Child Centred Play Therapy (CCPT) is an evidence based, developmentally appropriate approach to assisting children aged 4-12 who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioural and relational difficulties.
CCPT combines the natural language of children (play) with the power of a healthy, safe therapeutic relationship to allow children to experience unconditional acceptance, empathy and understanding. This modality allows a child to express their thoughts and feelings through play when they don’t otherwise have the ability to do so with words.
“Toys are children’s words and play is their language”
Landreth, G. 2012, Play Therapy: The Art of The Relationship.

Who could benefit from CCPT?
Children aged 4-12 experiencing difficulties with:
- angry or aggressive behaviours
- attachment concerns
- bullying
- depression
- divorce and separation
- emotional regulation
- family changes
- gender variance
- generalised anxiety
- grief and loss
- low self-esteem
- neglect
- social issues
- oppositional behaviours
- physical abuse
- selective mutism
- separation anxiety
- sexual abuse
- school difficulties
- sleeping difficulties
- engaging in other services
- trauma
What are the advantages of CCPT?
CCPT is a child centred therapy modality providing a safe place for children to work through diificulties. CCPT can result in a child developing an increased sense of self responsibility, self awareness and seeking more independent solutions to their own problems.
Through CCPT children can increase their acceptance of others and themselves while learning how to appropriately express their emotions and experiences. CCPT can also help a child to learn new ways to socially relate, improve empathy and respect for others.
NB: This isn’t a short term therapy model with the average recommended number of sessions being 20 with every 6th session involving parental consultation to ensure adequate inclusivity and support for parents.
Child Centred Play Therapy Services
Child Centred Play Therapy
- CCPT 1 hour with 45 mins contact and 15 mins session planning/documentation
- CCPT intake session 90 mins with 70 mins contact and 20 mins planning/documentation
LEGO® Based Programs
By inquiry only, minimum participant requirements apply
LEGO® Based Therapy
- Brick club for children aged 4-12 – therapy modality utilising LEGO® to work towards therapeutic goals

LEGO® serious play methods
Corporate Program – building better businesses one brick at a time utilising LEGO® serious play methodology to foster creative thinking and team building